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Hokkaido Research Organization

Message from the President

HRO President

The Hokkaido Research Organization (HRO), a local independent administrative agency, was established in April 2010 by integrating 22 prefectural research institutes in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, manufacturing, environment, geology, and architecture.

The HRO now focuses on the three major studies of food, energy, and communities as the priority study fields and the cross-cutting studies on urgent and important issues in Hokkaido under the third midterm plan since 2020. The excellent technological experiences and various expertise cultivated by our fundamental research experiences are very effective for those researches. We also provide the knowledge and technologies to improve the well-being life environment of residents and develop the local industries utilizing the principal products of Hokkaido.

The goal of our organization is to realize the affluent life and industrial development by looking out over the future of Hokkaido through research and technologies. We hope your helpful cooperation and technological contribution toward our future works. Thank you.


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