水野 直治、林 謙次郎、長谷部 俊雄
北海道立農試集報.19,59-62 (1969)
A modified method for the determination of thecopper content in soil and in plant material was studied. The improved method, in which iso-propyl ether is used as an extracting reagent, is especially suitable for the separation of microgram amounts of copper in the presence of substantial amounts of other ions. It was found that large amounts of both calcium and phosphate can be tolerated. It was also found that the color of copper-diethyldithiocarbamate complex in iso-propyl ether is more stable than that in chloroform or in carbon tetr a-chloride under diffused daylight. Only one extraction was necessary to remove allcopper from the aqueous lay er and the second extract was colorless.
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