佐久間 智工、上出 純、松尾 信三
北海道立農試集報.26,11-17 (1973)
A dual grazing、shearling grazing after beef cattle grazing、was compared with a grazing of only beef cattle in Perennial rye grass‐Ladino clover mix ture pastures. Live weight carrying capacity of pastures was higher in the dual grazing of those two animals than in the single use grazing of beef cat -tle. Nutrient intake by only the beef cattle was smaller in the dual grazing than in the single、but total nutrient intake of those two animals in the dual grazing was larger than one of the beef cattle only in the single use grazing. The sheep of the dual grazing depended much on legume in their nutrient int ake and the beef cattle in the dual depended on the legume less than the cat tle in the single. Yearly average daily live weight gains of steers in both herds did not diffe r so much in both managements.
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